I have been doing anatomy studies for some time now. I used to just copy diagrams from Goldfinger, but I found that that only gets you so far, at least for me. Doing diagram studies can be boring and not the most exciting thing. What I have been doing lately have been taking master paintings like Frazetta and Phil Hale and using tracing paper and tracing out the anatomy over their drawings. Now what this does is make me think more about how anatomy works and how they designed it. Also on top of that it makes it more like a puzzle, instead of just mindlessly copying a diagram, I have to figure out where the pieces fit. I have also been using the F
igure Drawing Design and Invention book by Michael Hampton. The book goes over more structural aspects of the body with more simplified anatomy. The leg studies I did today I used that book and the Eliot Goldfinger book for added anatomy.
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